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Jane Goodall

Page history last edited by Maddie 11 years, 3 months ago


Jane Goodall QuotesMy favorite quote from jane goodallJane Goodall

Jane Goodall



Jane Goodall

By: Maddie

 jane goodall



Miaya is doing Jane too check it out!


Adventurous, Extraordinary, Stubborn, Kind,

Mother of Hugo Eric Van Lawick,

Lover of peace in nature,

Who feels happy when she is helping animals (mostly chimpanzees),

Who felt sad when her husband (Derek Van Lawick) died,

Who feels scared when an animal gets on the endangered list,

Who needs help with saving animals ecosystems all around the world,

Who is thankful for studying chimpanzees, for her mom's encouragement, and Lewis Leakey's encouragement,

Who fears  Chimpanzees will go extinct,

Who dreams, humans would stop harming nature, and animals,

Resident of London, England.






Born in London England

Son : Hugo Eric van Lawick

Born on April, 3, 1934

Age: 97

Has a Monkey Doll (Jubilee)

See's the chimpanzees twice a year

Awards: Hubbard Medal, Benjamin Franklin Medal, Nierenberg Prize, William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement

Has her own Website that helps save chimpanzees and other species














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Comments (3)

June Shanahan said

at 5:33 am on May 18, 2013

Stuburn -> Stubborn

Whofeels -> Who feels
happywhen -> happy when
helpinganimals-> helping animals
studyingchimpanzees -> studying chimpanzees

Possessive Nouns:
moms encouragement -> mom's encouragement
Leakeys encouragement -> Leakey's encouragement

June Shanahan said

at 5:34 am on May 18, 2013

Dear Maddie,
It looks like I don't like your poetry because I am being picky with the mistakes listed above. In truth, this is one of my favorite poems EVER! xoxoxoxoxo

Maddie said

at 9:30 am on May 22, 2013

Thank you!

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