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Dear Maddie,
It looks like I don't like your poetry because I am being picky with the mistakes listed above. In truth, this is one of my favorite poems EVER! xoxoxoxoxo
Comments (3)
June Shanahan said
at 5:33 am on May 18, 2013
Stuburn -> Stubborn
Whofeels -> Who feels
happywhen -> happy when
helpinganimals-> helping animals
studyingchimpanzees -> studying chimpanzees
Possessive Nouns:
moms encouragement -> mom's encouragement
Leakeys encouragement -> Leakey's encouragement
June Shanahan said
at 5:34 am on May 18, 2013
Dear Maddie,
It looks like I don't like your poetry because I am being picky with the mistakes listed above. In truth, this is one of my favorite poems EVER! xoxoxoxoxo
Maddie said
at 9:30 am on May 22, 2013
Thank you!
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