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by Nia 11 years, 4 months ago
Honest, unique, adventurous, intelligent,
Sister of Casey and Chris,
Lover of family, friends, and animals,
Who feels happy when she is riding the Great White Shark, and getting a new pet, Sad when she gets into trouble, and when animals die,
Who feels scared of insects touching her, and of heights,
Who needs help with the drums,
Who is thankful for her family, and her friends,
Who fears of leaving her favorite teacher, speaking in front of crowds, and bears,
Who dreams of becoming a food critic,
Resident of Helotes, Texas.
Vast, protecter, mammal, and daring,
Mother of babies,
Lover of prey, babies, and bamboo,
Who feels happy when is loved,
Sad when people ruin ecosystem,
Who feels scared when hunters come,
Who needs help with finding a home,
Who gives love to mate, babies, and habitat,
Who fears of hunters, people taking over ecosystem, and taking one of family members,
Who dreams of having ecosystem back,
Resident of Southern China.
Edward Osborne Wilson
"Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal."-Edward Osborne Wilson
Humane, keen, timeworn, attentive,
Father of ants,
Lover of ants, wife, and Biodiversity,
Who feels happy when being with ants,
Sad when people contradict him about how he can't be a real scientist if he doesn't know math,
Scared when people keep polluting the earth,
Who needs help with keeping up with his medicine,
Who is thankful for having a supportive family,
Who feared of people ruining ants lives and families ,
Who dreamed of having a world without harm to organisms,
Former resident of Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A.
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Comments (12)
Erin said
at 7:10 pm on Nov 13, 2012
Nia, we have something in common! We both love animals. What's your favorite animal? What are your favorite types of books? I hope you earn all A's this year so you are happy all year! Have a good year!
Nia said
at 9:54 am on Nov 15, 2012
Erin my favorite animal is a peguin. What's yours?
June Shanahan said
at 10:37 pm on Mar 1, 2013
No way! You dream of becoming a food critic!? That's amazing and wonderful, Nia. Nia, I love how you speak in front of people. When you speak in class discussions, your words always help us to gain insights. (Also, I love it that you know some very sophisticated vocabulary words.)
Maddie said
at 9:17 am on Mar 4, 2013
Thats cool that you want to be a food critic! What is your favorite food? Mine are pickles.
Nia said
at 9:55 am on Mar 5, 2013
my favorite food is probaly Buffalo wings but I do like pickels too.
Tommy said
at 9:25 am on Mar 4, 2013
Just exspersse your fellings in your music, if you find a really good recipe when your a food critic send it to me.
Joshua said
at 9:33 am on Mar 4, 2013
I woud love to ride a great white shark. And it would be so cool to just go underwater and adventure.
Maiya said
at 10:07 am on Mar 4, 2013
You are very uniqe. For some reason I don't like holding insects either.
Rudy said
at 10:07 am on Mar 4, 2013
I think that if you try and ride a white shark it might try and eat you so i would be so scared.
June Shanahan said
at 7:19 pm on Apr 3, 2013
WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! Your link is to my poem! How did you get so smart?! You are an amazing webmaster!
June Shanahan said
at 4:23 am on May 22, 2013
Dear Nia,
Every single bit of information you share about Edward Osborne Wilson teaches me! Thank you for being my TEACHER!!!! (Please, keep teaching me more.)
Joshua said
at 9:55 am on May 22, 2013
He sounds amazing especailly knowing the fatc that he wants no harm.
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