

Page history last edited by Alex 15 years, 5 months ago


All About Me






Silly, outgoing, awesome, mathematical, likes coffee, good friend

Sister of Kim and Joshua,

Lover of her pets, her parents, and friends,

Who feels happy when a friend is a around,

Sad when it's a rainy day,

Scared when she's all alone,

Who needs help when I can't reach the cookie jar,

Who gives thanks to all the inportant things in life,

Who fears bears, and vicous turtles,

Who dreams to be a Wonderful flute player,

Resident of San Antonio, Texas.


Comments (27)

June Shanahan said

at 1:33 pm on Dec 2, 2008

I can't believe you like coffee!!! Rob, from The Tiger Rising, likes coffee too!

Christine Bonilla said

at 11:08 am on Dec 3, 2008

You made me laugh when you said you need help reaching for the cookie jar!!! I love that!

Susan Hillje said

at 11:22 am on Dec 3, 2008

My daughter played the flute in the band at school. What a wonderful instrument

Erin said

at 11:32 am on Dec 3, 2008

I know that feeling being alone,it is so scary.

Alex said

at 10:44 am on Dec 5, 2008


Kailene said

at 10:49 am on Dec 5, 2008

Wow u like coffie!

Alex said

at 10:50 am on Dec 5, 2008



Kailene said

at 10:50 am on Dec 5, 2008


Jessica said

at 11:01 am on Dec 5, 2008

You are soooooooooo funny

Samantha said

at 11:09 am on Dec 5, 2008

You are a very good floot player even thoug Ive never heard you.

Alex said

at 6:38 pm on Jan 24, 2010

thank you I guess................

Kailene said

at 5:16 pm on Dec 5, 2008

Bentley, thanks for thr comment.

Junior said

at 6:49 pm on Dec 5, 2008

I get sad when it's a rainy day but to make it a fun day I play my video games.

Barbara said

at 3:25 pm on Dec 9, 2008

I like yours 2!!

Kathy Gorsche said

at 1:26 pm on Dec 11, 2008

When you become a famous musician, I will come see you play your flute.

Georgeann Garza said

at 10:27 pm on Dec 11, 2008

Wow, I didn't know you like coffee. That is interesting!!!

Samantha said

at 11:33 am on Jan 12, 2009

Alex I bet you are a good floot player but I'm horrible

Jessica said

at 11:38 am on Jan 12, 2009

I feel happy when friends are with me too.

Aaron Gondensen said

at 11:53 am on Jan 21, 2009

I like sad when it's a rainy day part.

Aaron Gondensen said

at 11:56 am on Feb 24, 2009

I'm frightened with bugulars, too.

Alex said

at 2:01 pm on Apr 16, 2011

Wow i remember this all

June Shanahan said

at 5:31 pm on Apr 16, 2011

:-) How is middle school?

Alex said

at 10:29 am on Feb 7, 2013

Middle school is tough, and challenging but nothin that i cant handle :P

Jessica said

at 8:01 am on Apr 30, 2011

This is Alex and Middle school is going great me and Jess just finished the math and reading Taks. This is Jessica now well it isn't as hard as i thought it would be and the Taks wasn't that hard either especially math. Back to Alex here i thought the math taks was gonna be very hard but it seemed like easy elementary questions, and also i heard that in high school you don't have a taks test you have a test called STAR and it's much harder than TAKS. But my brother said it was easy for him but other kids struggled.

levi said

at 10:33 pm on Jan 9, 2012

visit my blog at mr.parkers wiki

bobby said

at 10:35 pm on Jan 9, 2012

Visit my blog on Mr.parker's wiki

Alex said

at 10:29 am on Feb 7, 2013

In 8th grade we have to take a million STAAR tests and i failed them all last year D: They are extremely hard and we have to pass them all this year! D:!!!

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